31 Dec Resolve: To Solve A Problem
Studies indicate that New Year’s resolutions are a recipe for failure. An overwhelming 91% of them never happen. So, what’s the deal with these things? Why do they continue to be a thing? What is a resolution anyway?
Resolution is the noun form of resolve. Derived from the Latin resolvere “to loosen or undue.” Resolve = To solve a problem. So instead of thinking my New Year’s resolution is that I’m finally going to learn to play the guitar, I’m going to think, WHAT PROBLEM DO I NEED TO SOLVE? This seems to make more sense, but it requires more of me. So here it is: In 2024, I resolve to live with more faith and less fear. I resolve to be fearless. Of course, there will be hard times, but I won’t be afraid because, more often than not, “Hard Comes First.”
In “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Viktor Frankl, a Jewish prisoner, writes from a Nazi concentration camp, “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” People are generally averse to change, so changing ourselves is incredibly difficult unless we are forced to change. This is why difficulty is so good for us. We typically resist change unless we’re completely out of viable options. This was the case for Frankl in the concentration camp. Although humiliated, starved, and treated terribly in unimaginable ways, he still had the choice to change on the inside. This takes resolve. I want to be a better leader, so bring on the good and the bad. Let’s lead with courage, integrity, optimism, creativity, and love. I see a proud and courageous prisoner.
I can’t wait for the opportunity to be fearless in 2024. When trouble hits, I’ll have an opportunity to demonstrate who I want to be. Here’s to getting better.