
Difficult days are a part of life. In tough times, our mental toughness is challenged. Rough seas can make us stronger if we have the right mindset. In sports, we use drills and simulations to help us execute better under the pressure of game day....

  A typical tennis match involves approximately one hundred thirty points. Tradition has it that the serving player calls out the serve before each point to keep up with the score and signify that the returner should be ready to play. Since every game begins with...

Who we want to be regarding our values and greater purpose is often called our True North. It is the place on our compass that gives our lives meaning beyond tangible outcomes, which speaks to us and reminds us that our values are greater than...

Loss is inevitable in sports, business, school, and family. How we show up after a loss speaks volumes about our character. Here are a few self-reflection checkpoints after a loss: How's my body language? Do I blame others? Do I adopt a victim's mentality? Or...

Think back to the last time you did something hard. Maybe it was something you needed to overcome that was in the way of something you wanted.  Or possibly something bad that caught you off guard and took you outside your comfort zone. Maybe is...

We have different types of beliefs. We believe in certain things, such as that the sun will rise tomorrow. We make statements that we believe that what goes up must come down. These are beliefs that seem inevitable. We also have religious beliefs, some of...

The investment principle of buy low, sell high is easy in theory but difficult in real life because our emotions get in the way.  The same is true in our personal lives. Prudent behavior is to quit being emotional and lead with the discipline of...

Meditation, prayer for others, and mindfulness are proven strategies to improve performance. In our program, we've recently started to allocate practice time to such endeavors, and I'm convinced it is helping our players respond to the stresses that competition and practice are designed to bring....

Studies indicate that New Year's resolutions are a recipe for failure. An overwhelming 91% of them never happen.  So, what's the deal with these things? Why do they continue to be a thing? What is a resolution anyway? Resolution is the noun form of resolve. Derived...