05 Sep Is Love The Answer?
A typical tennis match involves approximately one hundred thirty points. Tradition has it that the serving player calls out the serve before each point to keep up with the score and signify that the returner should be ready to play. Since every game begins with a score of love to love, tennis players typically say or hear the word love approximately forty times in a match. That’s a whole lot of love.
While it’s commonly believed that the word ‘love’ has no direct impact on a tennis player’s performance, what if we were to delve deeper into its origin and significance? Most players may have yet to consider this, but understanding the deeper meaning of ‘love’ could revolutionize your game. If you’ve never thought about it, it is time to start.
A score of love in tennis represents a score of zero. And when we have zero, we have nothing to lose. It’s a miraculous spot where we can play with absolute freedom and fearlessness. This is where we’re more inclined to play for the sheer love of the game, not just for the win. It’s a liberating feeling that can transform your approach to the game.
The highest level of tennis was initially played by amateurs who played because of their love of the game. This is the origin of tennis and how it acquired the score of love. This is how I want to play and coach my players to play and live. For the love of the game, with nothing to lose equates to fearless playing and living where we can be our best. As we move into the final stretch of the U.S. Open, lets watch and see if the best of the best play as if they have nothing to lose. Then, let’s go live this way. Life is a love story when we get out of the way and live this way. Learning this is what Hard Comes First is all about, so grab your copy on Amazon and become more loving today.