27 Nov Non -Negotiables
If you want to be the best you can be, you better know what that is because you won’t accomplish something that isn’t defined. In a recent keynote speech, I offered that you must love well if you want to be more competitive. And, if you want to love well, you need to up your game and be more competitive because somebody or something you love will require you to be at your best. Love well and be competitive…two things complement each other.
We have a few non-negotiables:
1. Love well. I’m leaving this for you to define for yourself. It should be clear what this means.
2. Outwork the competition. This one is tricky because, when done right, we bring the competition with us. Prepare well, compete super hard, be hyper-intelligent about our process, and make everyone better. As we outwork the competition, we want everyone to win. This is precisely why I started praying for my opponents. I want everyone to have a great experience. We can play free when there’s no disdain or hatred, making us hard to beat.
3. Hold everyone (including ourselves) to high standards. See #1. You can’t hold people accountable without love. High standards should be inspirational.
Love well, outwork the competition, high standards, and accountability go together. We need great competition to help us be our best, which is why we’re doing it together.
The time is right for all of us to improve. It is also time to order a copy of The #1 Best Seller Hard Comes First for someone you love for Christmas. Available on Amazon.